The place where Juan Blea writes about all that is good and strong and beautiful!

Month January 2014

An open letter from an addict to those who love him

Hi.  First of all, please understand that I’m still here.  I know you’re worried and I know you think I’m heading down a bad road.  But I’m still here and I really need you to love me anyway.  It’s hard… Continue Reading →

It's all a matter of persepective

Physics does exactly what I’m seeking to do: Name and manipulate unseen forces. How do these forces work in the physics world? That’s the first question. For example, if I can throw a ball twenty yards, but I want to… Continue Reading →

Teaching is the great privilege of my life

Last night, I have a reading in support of my book,  Journey to Aztlan, at a bookstore in Santa Fe called Op Cit.  While I can’t say it was standing room only, I can say that the area set up… Continue Reading →

Let's use compassion to treat addiction

Whenever I’ve known someone to get into a car accident, I’ve seen enormous amounts of support: People head to the hospital in droves and offer any assistance they can.  Seeing that much support tends to fill me with belief in… Continue Reading →

Santa Fe, NM will not die on my watch

It you google Santa Fe, you’d learn about how it’s the oldest Capital in the U.S. and about it’s primarily tricultural population.  If you’re reading a tourist site, you’d even see that Santa Fe is the third largest art market… Continue Reading →

None but ourselves can free our minds

Bob Marley said it better than I ever could, “Free yourselves from mental slavery/none but ourselves can free our minds.” Now, I have no idea whether or not Mr. Marley studied psychology in a formal context, but I do know… Continue Reading →

Socioeconomic circumstances can be overcome

I know now that there is simply too much to learn in one lifetime.  For every theory that establishes “X,” there is an opposite (if not equal) theory that dismisses “X.” What to do?  For me, focus on a simple… Continue Reading →

Want to perform better? Read this

Aztlan, as I see it, exists on three (3) levels: historical, psychological, spiritual On a historical level, Aztlan has been generally described as the swath of land that Mexico ceded to the US within the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo (Texas,… Continue Reading →

Are kids being tracked?

One of my favorite books is Jeannie Oakes’ Keeping Track: How schools structure inequality.  It does what any good piece of nonfiction should do.  It defines a problem, researches all pertinent information as to the nature of the problem, and… Continue Reading →

The darkness in our lives can and should be our teacher

I spend a lot of time thinking and writing about the darkness that exists in our world ad seeks to consume and destroy all that’s good about life.  My rationale for spending this time with darkness isn’t because I have… Continue Reading →

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