The place where Juan Blea writes about all that is good and strong and beautiful!

Month September 2013

Learning from each other is better than wanting to fix each other — 2CEUs

I don’t know why some people end up lost within an addiction while others don’t.  Nor can I say with any certainty that a given treatment plan will work.  In situations of great complexity, of which addiction is one, there… Continue Reading →

The hidden rules are the problem (writing is my solution) — 2CEUs

A friend of mine once asked me, “What motivates you as a writer?” I thought about truth and strength and beauty.  But, when my mouth opened, I said, “What motivates my writing the most, by far, is anger.” And it… Continue Reading →

The Captain of My Sea — A Poem

the wind blows and I know that change is coming soon   my tears dry then laughs break into bittersweet candy drops   Still here you are the Captain of my sea riding the ebbs and flows knowing which way… Continue Reading →

I won't be a part of the Turning Away — 2CEUs

I’m always talking and writing about how poetry can lift one’s spirit and assist in understanding a person’s place in the great Universe.  But, when I ask groups to read and try to analyze poetry, it seems as though they… Continue Reading →

Rules for beating Depression/Addiction — 2CEUs

Though there is no such thing as a magic bullet that can ward off Depression/Addiction, I try my best to live by five (5) rules that go a really long way in maintaining and improving my emotional health: Do not… Continue Reading →

The best thing about addiction — 2CEUs

I’ve encountered all kinds of people who suffer from an addiction.  There are those kinds that that suffer with an undiagnosed and untreated illness for which they self-medicate (for example, someone who abuses cocaine may suffer from ADHD).  There are… Continue Reading →

pain ain't got nothin' on me — A POEM

for me pain don’t transfer a sense of life. nor a hint nor a whisper of a need for penance. to me, life’s hurts are little more than minor key variations on suffering’s simple melody… even a tortured man can… Continue Reading →

chunks of me — A POEM

I stash myself in words and in borrowed thoughts. chunks of me cover blank pages that were once a redemptive smile on a broken man’s face. the corners of his mouth purse away my own tears his eyes are my… Continue Reading →

What's Metaphor got to do with it? 2CEUs

Poetry has many tools: Alliteration,, Rhyme, Rhythm, etc.  But for me, the Metaphor provides poetry with a richness of expression that few other devices/styles can.  Really, any style of poem can benefit from rich metaphors.  The truth is that finding… Continue Reading →

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