The place where Juan Blea writes about all that is good and strong and beautiful!

Month March 2014

My framework for critical reflection

I value reflective writing very much.  It’s at the heart of everything I teach and learn.  To me, it’s easier to start reflecting from within a role (role-based reflection is at the heart of psychological empowerment) than it is from… Continue Reading →

Any ideas for treating crystal meth addiction?

I don’t carry around too much fear, but crystal meth does in fact scare me.  The main reason why it gets to me so badly is that I neither understand it, nor do I tend to see it too much…. Continue Reading →

My model for success in any context

The illustration above is the sum total of my entire philosophy and approach to life.  Regardless of the context in which I find myself, I apply the model that illustrated with usually successful results.  There are no guarantees in life,… Continue Reading →

An Open Letter to a Substance Abuser

Hello. I am a treatment provider.  I’ve seen way too much suffering that resulted from substance abuse and I have no doubt that recovery is valuable and that a life lived through sobriety provides benefits that far outweigh the cloud… Continue Reading →

Sometimes even the best of us need a break

Sometimes life can be a lot like pushing a giant rock up a steep and slick mountain.  It can appear that we stand face-to-face with the daunting rock in front of our faces and wonder, “Why the hell should I… Continue Reading →

Parental attitudes towards substance use impact teens

The Metlife foundation recently sponsored and released a study about teen’s drug and alcohol abuse patterns.  The key finding in this study is that Hispanic teens are forty precent (40%) more likely to abuse drugs/alcohol than their Caucasian and Black… Continue Reading →

Sometimes my fogged-up mind needs clearing…

I don’t have all the answers and that frustrates me.  Hell, I don’t even have ten percent of the answers.  I work and study as much as I can, but it sometimes feels as though all my writing and teaching… Continue Reading →

No More Alchohol Addiction!

The University of New Mexico presents weekly training workshops for clinicians who work with addictions and substance abuse disorders.  One such presentation, by Doctor Miriam Komaromy, MD, was about treating alcohol dependence/addiction. The set of slides within the workshop covered… Continue Reading →

Research shows that Depression and Addiction develop over time

I have to recommend a book called, Human Development: The Minnesota Study of Risk and Adaptation because it is rich with information as to the network, or system, of conditions in which risk and pathologies develop.  It’s a twenty-eight (28)… Continue Reading →

What kind of Hispanic am I anyway?

If you’re squeamish about ethnic/cultural issues: Do not continue reading! Disclaimers out of the way, I am now having a severe identity crisis.  I’ve always believed and cherished my cultural identity, but a recent trip to a grocery store has… Continue Reading →

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