I know Thanksgiving is supposed to be the grateful holiday, but to me, Valentine’s day is the day through which I can express my deepest gratitude. There is no doubt that my wife is the blessing upon my life that… Continue Reading →
Watching paramedics take my wife away in an ambulance sucked. The only thing I could think was, “what if they aren’t paramedics but rather aliens?! What are they doing to her in there?” Just kidding. i was actually scared to… Continue Reading →
Cityhall meets another teen-involved south-side shooting with a symphony of crickets. I don’t really care, anymore, who sits in elected chairs anymore. They’re all the same. Money. Power. Extension of self. Those are the three guiding principles of our local… Continue Reading →
At the end of 2016, my last book won an award. When my publicist at the time called to inform me, I felt unstoppable, like I had climbed mount everest with nothing more than my hiking boots and some twine…. Continue Reading →
I try not to be to “black and white” about life. There’s always another side to a story and most sides to any story are probably valid from a certain perspective. But I really have to draw the line at… Continue Reading →
I want to say THANK YOU to the Santa Fe Reporter for finding value in my work! A top three finish is a great way to end the year!!
It has now been several since I’ve started my blog, jblea1016.com. For over 7 years, I’ve posted regularly to jblea1016.com. While I can’t say that blogging success has allowed me to retire, I can say that it has grown and… Continue Reading →
Here we are, locked down again. And here we are, once again, hoarding toilet paper. If I live to be 100 years old, I will never understand the impulse the load up on toilet paper when faced with a crisis…. Continue Reading →
Today is my birthday. My wish is that people rise up and eliminate the stupidity that is cancel culture. it’s not only stupid, but it only serves to keep hate alive. The idea that someone can get “canceled” for something… Continue Reading →
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