I watched the new Insidious over the weekend. The movie is about a man whose body becomes infested with the soul of killer who had killed himself long ago. It appears, based upon the worldview of the Insidious franchise, that… Continue Reading →
I don’t know why some people end up lost within an addiction while others don’t. Nor can I say with any certainty that a given treatment plan will work. In situations of great complexity, of which addiction is one, there… Continue Reading →
A friend of mine once asked me, “What motivates you as a writer?” I thought about truth and strength and beauty. But, when my mouth opened, I said, “What motivates my writing the most, by far, is anger.” And it… Continue Reading →
I’m always talking and writing about how poetry can lift one’s spirit and assist in understanding a person’s place in the great Universe. But, when I ask groups to read and try to analyze poetry, it seems as though they… Continue Reading →
Though there is no such thing as a magic bullet that can ward off Depression/Addiction, I try my best to live by five (5) rules that go a really long way in maintaining and improving my emotional health: Do not… Continue Reading →
I’ve encountered all kinds of people who suffer from an addiction. There are those kinds that that suffer with an undiagnosed and untreated illness for which they self-medicate (for example, someone who abuses cocaine may suffer from ADHD). There are… Continue Reading →
I think it’s hard to argue that we in some trouble. Hundreds of people each month are succumbing to drug and alcohol addiction. Needless deaths. I write this column in hopes that someone reads it and guides either himself or… Continue Reading →
I submit that the current goal of education in the United States of America is to create worker bees and boss bees. Weber confirms this thought, “today’s capitalism, which has come to dominance in economic life, creates and trains, by… Continue Reading →
Are at risk kids just creatures responding to their environments with no hope of assimilating into mainstream life? There have always been kids who live on the margin of society and I suspect there will always be kids who live… Continue Reading →
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