The place where Juan Blea writes about all that is good and strong and beautiful!

Category Power

Cultural Understanding allows Power — 2CEUs

The first question is, what is cognition? Well, according to and its Wordnet entry, cognition is “the psychological result of perception and learning and reasoning.” According to the American Heritage entry on, cognition is, “1. The mental process… Continue Reading →

No leadership without community — 2CEUs

Leadership requires community: there is no leader without a follower and there is no leader without a sense of service towards that follower, “Creative leaders accept as a law of human nature that people feel a commitment to a decision… Continue Reading →

Education should lead to a sense of power — 2CEUs

An oppressive leader or teacher will have as his followers or students people who believe that life is a living death.  When a person does not see life as a mission to fulfill, “he or she is a person who… Continue Reading →

What is the purpose of education? 2CEUs

There was a time when  I had no real answer for the question, “What is the purpose of education?”  THe answer seemed to me to be both obvious and circular: The role of education was to educate students.  However, I… Continue Reading →

You need to read this important book — 2CEUs

Very few books have real power.  Very few books can transform a reader.  Very few books can transform an educational system. Joan Wink’s, Critical Pedagogy, Notes from the Real World, is one of those very few books. Critical Pedagogy utilizes… Continue Reading →

Do flowers lament? — 2CEUs

I’ve always wondered if a flower sees another flower and then laments something about itself, based on the other flower.  I wonder if an orange flower wishes it were a purple flower; or if a flower with a bunch of… Continue Reading →

The haves versus the have-nots is a myth — 2CEUs

Two things that have grown out of our capitalistic economic system are: 1) powerlessness; and, 2) family struggles.  According to Zinn (2005), the powerlessness of the worker class leads to pent up frustrations that can then lead to anger problems… Continue Reading →

For a grieving father — 2CEUs

People shuffled around me as I attempted to offer condolences to a man whose committed suicide.  I didn’t know the man; he’s a friend of my wife’s and I had never met him before his son’s funeral.  But in his… Continue Reading →

Let's Revolutionize Education — 2 CEUs

I submit that the current goal of education in the United States of America is to create worker bees and boss bees.  Weber confirms this thought, “today’s capitalism, which has come to dominance in economic life, creates and trains, by… Continue Reading →

The Moment is the Key (2CEUs)

I read an interview with Joyce DiDonato (an acclaimed opera singer/actress) where she said, “I need to be in the moment, I need to be present, I need to be listening. And if I’m doing those things, then everything else… Continue Reading →

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