I sumbit this also as a test of the idea that, “Juan’s story is told in a factual style, almost like a history book.”
I submit this video as a reminder…test it against the idea that, “Juan’s story is told in a factual style, almost like a history book…” taken from a negative Amazon review.
I think this post got lost in the shuffle and does in fact speak to God’s role in recovery…
This confirms that parents do in fact make a difference in teen’s lives, one way or the other. Hope it provides useful info….
This was Saturday’s post and to me, it has a lot to offer…just wanted to give it another opportunity to be read…
I think this article provides a promising view of how technology and smartphones can actually do some good. Though it may be a while before apps like this are generally available, it is promising to think that 65% of people… Continue Reading →
I think this is interesting info; at least it’s a basis for discussion about alcohol addiction…let me know any and all thoughts…
This article reflects a big concern with antidepressants as a long-term treatment for depresion. Eye-opening.
I’ve written various posts about the beauty and love i hear in a mother’s grief. However, I could never capture the grace that this post does. This is one of the most beautiful, yet heart-tugging things I’ve ever read. I… Continue Reading →
Here’s another GREAT view on improving one’s life…Enjoy!
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