I failed him. No excuse. i’m a substance abuse counselor, licensed to work in schools and I did nothing to prevent his murder. Maybe if I were in the schools I could have reached at least one of the kids… Continue Reading →
Santa Fe is better than this. Violence has claimed the lives of three young people under 18 within the last few weeks (one was a prominent basketball player). Two within the City’s southside. We are failing our young people and… Continue Reading →
I got a call from a mentor with a GED program about a client of hers who needed help. The client was a seventeen (17) – year-old girl who’s addicted to Oxycodone. Anytime I get these types of calls, I… Continue Reading →
My niece and I were on my annual pilgrimage to the Santuario de Chimayo when I got us lost looking for the “shortcut” between Pojoaque and Chimayo. It’s not unusual for me to find myself looking around for anything familiar…. Continue Reading →
On the very day learned about “ground scores,” I literally stumbled upon a weird looking skull. It wasn’t quite fully bleached; there was still gross head stuff on the top of the cranium. Since i’m no one’s forensic biologist, I… Continue Reading →
A colleague of mine recently asked me how to integrate “privilege awareness” into a discussion regarding how a client may not feel comfortable with a therapist of a different social group. The issue that arose was that therapists tend to… Continue Reading →
I really do all I can to live and let live. I try not to judge and do all I can to see value in everyone. There is a lot of merit in the “judge not lest ye be judged”… Continue Reading →
The simple truth is that there is something to my argument that an entire culture can become “traumatized” and then reflect PTSD symptoms. The drive for relief from the constant and seemingly nonexistent source of the anxiety that accompanies PTSD… Continue Reading →
In both trauma and in addiction, there is a breakdown in the time-reality relationship. Especially in trauma, which is the core premise of my entire belief system, the traumatic event will rear its ugly head, even if ten (10) years… Continue Reading →
cultural tension, even to the point of detente, is one of the biggest elements of what makes Santa Fe special.
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