
The place where Juan Blea writes about all that is good and strong and beautiful!

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Recovery from Addiction is about finding the payoff

We all tend to believe in our own concept of who we are that we almost always find our own arguments about something the most compelling. I think it’s a fact of human nature, really. But an addict really thinks… Continue Reading →

Author seeks literary agent

I need a literary agent. If I were to sell my house, I would call a real estate agent. If I wanted to buy insurance, I would go to an insurance agent. Well, although my writing resume is pretty good,… Continue Reading →

Should a middle-ager dare to dream?

I’m a middle-ager who’s spent the huge majority of his adult life designing, building, and implementing large-scale software systems. And I am grateful for always having work and being able to do my work well. The software world has allowed… Continue Reading →

The Taos Rebellion shows NM’s drug problem is historical

Without any doubt, Northern New Mexico owns the worst reputation for drug-related issues, as Rio Arriba County owns the state’s highest drug related death rate. Epidemiological data shows that we, as a community, MUST do something to try and get… Continue Reading →

Opiates treat NM’s historical trauma

The ghosts of our ancestors and the ghosts of lost land haunt the region and cast shadows that I believe we either do not sense or understand. Death lingers and taints the area’s present consciousness – we live painfully aware… Continue Reading →

Is there power in prayer?

Is there power in prayer? Well, if someone were religiously inclined, she would probably say, “of course!” But it’s not that simple to me. I am not religiously inclined. As a matter of fact, I don’t like religion of any… Continue Reading →

We lose our culture, we die.

We lose our culture, we turn into a rock. We lose our language, we die. Think about it: A rock is nothing more than a song that’s frozen. All the vibrations that once came together seize and harden and simply… Continue Reading →

Location AND genetics determine if you develop alcoholism

There seems to be a common perception that there’s reason to argue about “nature vs. nurture.” There isn’t. Neither genetics nor environment play a bigger role in human development. The reality that modern research is presenting is that the argument… Continue Reading →

NM’s Opiate problem is a ghost story

I have no doubt that the story of opiate addiction in Northern New Mexico is a ghost story. The ghosts of our ancestors and the ghosts of lost land haunt the region and cast shadows that I believe we either… Continue Reading →

Zombies, Demons, and Ghosts are REAL!

I am not a good storyteller. Although I do my best, it’s not easy for me to weave words into a set of beginnings, middles, and ends that envelop and transform readers. The problem with my limited capability is that… Continue Reading →

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