Last Saturday, July 9th, that perhaps among the three (3) best days of my life (my wedding day and my son’s birth being the other two). For years , I have dreamed about performing at the Nuyorican Poet’s Café. On… Continue Reading →
Although there are a couple of well known roles in recovery, namely, the addict and the enabler, there is one that I don’t think I’ve considered. I call this role, the power-getter. I think the reason why this role previously… Continue Reading →
The most important question to ask when considering a new project is: Why am I doing this project? I don’t care what kind of project it is, if you don’t know why you’re doing the project, there is no way… Continue Reading →
When things get bad, and they always do, it’s easy for me to hide in the anger and frustration. It’s even easier for me to use the anger to feed bad juju. But I can’t say that anything good comes… Continue Reading →
Over the years, I’ve made several wishes. Things like a gazillion dollars, magic carpets, and even a talking monkey that I could have as a best friend have all made the wish list. But one thing I do wish for… Continue Reading →
Living in santa fe nm is becoming impossible. I mean, I can live here, but it’s getting more and more difficult to not slip into a depression over the state of my city. The latest brick in the depressing wall… Continue Reading →
Recovery isn’t about flipping a switch or waving a magic wand. As a treatment provider, I believe it’s part of my mission to build a structure through which recovery is possible. We can pray that addicts simply stop using whatever… Continue Reading →
It’s been a while now since my Dad left this world. Doesn’t feel like it, though. I still wait for his call, every day, until I remember that my caller Id will never again say, “Dad.” The memory of his… Continue Reading →
The image below is striking to me. I think it captures the balance between morning dew and a petal. The dew drop is just hanging out and the petal is hosting it, like it’s just supposed to be that way…. Continue Reading →
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