The place where Juan Blea writes about all that is good and strong and beautiful!

Tag addiction counseling

Hate Addiction? Buy, read, and USE this book!

If you purchase, read, and most importantly, USE 49 Tips and Insights for Understanding Addiction (you can buy it here), you are taking a positive step towards understanding Substance Abuse & Addiction. While there is no magic bullet that can… Continue Reading →

Why 45 was the right age to start brazilian jiu jitsu

One day, recently, while leading a writing workshop within an inpatient treatment facility, I heard myself say, “change isn’t easy, but taking the first step towards what you want to become will set you on your way.”  I was speaking… Continue Reading →

How to help an addict

I remember walking into a 12-step treatment facility for the first time, as an intern, and being asked by one of the patients, “Are you in recovery?” The question was invasive, to me, as I wasn’t there for treatment, but… Continue Reading →

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