I’m sorry, but neither guns nor drugs are the problem. From my perspective, it’s easy to blame objects when the real source of the problems we face lies in the mirror. Now, do I think automatic weapons should be legal?… Continue Reading →
Why are we so stupid and blind? Why is there such a tendency to pretend as though our biological and social programming don’t determine so much of how we turn out? Genetics and upbringing combine to form our “identity” so… Continue Reading →
Fighting substance abuse isn’t easy; many people have opinions both towards substances and towards addicts, but few offer any real solutions. One thing that I really don’t think helps is solely looking at substances. While I do think that we… Continue Reading →
Several months ago, I read an interview with an acclaimed opera singer/actress named Joyce DiDonato where she said, “I need to be in the moment, I need to be present, I need to be listening. And if I’m doing those things, then… Continue Reading →
The biggest challenge with which I’m faced as a substance abuse counselor is the idea of spirituality both while in active addiction and while in recovery. In my opinion, the reason people cower at the idea of spirituality is that… Continue Reading →
It’s not easy to talk about unhealthy behaviors. Sometimes, though, difficult conversations are necessary in order to find health within a situation. But, before those conversations occur, I believe we should be sure of what we see. Take a tree… Continue Reading →
One of the biggest and most pervasive myths associated with Addiction is that “deception is the disease.” I’ve heard that statement in so many different contexts that I fear it has now become common knowledge. The thing is, however, is… Continue Reading →
I was having lunch with a colleague whom I respect very much when I learned that I haven’t given my practice much thought. Which is to say that I haven’t given it any thought. When she asked me what types… Continue Reading →
The sad reality is that, when it comes to behavioral change, no one can save anyone else. There isn’t a big genie riding a cumulus who’s going to wave their magic wand and make life better for anyone. Yet, 12-step… Continue Reading →
I’ve spent hours watching spiders spin webs, wait, and then blast anything that lands in those webs with a shot of venom. Maybe I need some hobbies, but spider watching is among the most beautiful sights in nature to me. … Continue Reading →
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