The Addict Identity must die. Most people would agree with that, but what they may not either agree with or understand is that they keep the Addict Identity alive. The challenge is that most people don’t understand the Addict Identity,… Continue Reading →
We can’t fix anyone else — this is true. However, we can allow change in others to emerge IF we take the necessary steps to: first, understand our own behavior; and second,hange our own behaviors. Especially if we want an… Continue Reading →
Hello — I’ll be giving a free reading and discussing the idea of compassion in addiction treatment. Please see the above flyer with all the details… {As a tool, my book 49 Tips and Insights for Understanding Addiction really can help… Continue Reading →
“So, what does it mean to you that you use crack?” He looked at me as though I had asked him about Pi’s stretch into infinity. “What does it mean that I use crack?” “Yes, what does it mean to… Continue Reading →
One of the more difficult things for me to explain is what I mean by having compassion for an addict. At first glance, it may sound like I mean that if you love an addict, you should le him or… Continue Reading →
The more time I spend researching and educating about Addiction, the more I’m beginning to realize that rewriting an identity is the real goal of any effective treatment program. As a matter of fact, rewriting an identity is emerging to… Continue Reading →
In my opinion, we are at a point where how we treat Addiction MUST change. We can no longer pursue means of treating Addiction that reinforce the Addiction identity. What is the Addiction Identity? To me, it’s any personality trait… Continue Reading →
Dear Enabler, Look, I know your intentions are good. I KNOW that you think all of your “helping” is leading someone back to you from the abyss in which they swim. I get that your rescuing comes from the absolute… Continue Reading →
I don’t usually wake up on Saturday morning pissed off about an idea. But, this particular Saturday, I find myself angry and I haven’t even taken off my pajamas. I can’t for the life of me get through to people… Continue Reading →
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