He was in line at a local Starbucks when he noticed my new book on the table in front of me. “Hmmm,” he said to me. “Where’d you get that book?” “Well,” I responded. “I wrote it. I’m putting together… Continue Reading →
I am certain that Addiction is based upon a compulsive response to anxiety. By definition, a compulsive response is uncontrollable and should be treated a lot like a child throwing a temper tantrum. That is, if a child throws a… Continue Reading →
When she looked into his eyes, she wanted to believe in them. She wanted them to fulfill their promise; over their years together, she heard several different versions of the same lie. Sure, there were always different words. But his… Continue Reading →
“Let me get this straight,” I said to the clueless man that stared at me with confusion lacing his eyes. “You want your granddaughter to quit smoking pot, know that when she gets pissed off she’s more likely to smoke,… Continue Reading →
Researchers have recently published a study that supports the idea that social identity loss/gain informs both Addiction and Recovery. This study (it’s called Social Identities as Pathways into and out of Addiction) indicated that people slip into addiction as part… Continue Reading →
After months and months of work, “49 Tips and Insights for Understanding Addiction” is now published!! There’s almost nothing as good as the feeling of opening a new book that’s hot off the presses. But what’s more is that as… Continue Reading →
Recovery must develop through conscious processes. It’s not a matter of using or not using a substance. I’ll repeat: Recovery must develop through conscious processes. Most people vilify substances without realizing that someone who is addicted and doesn’t approach recovery… Continue Reading →
According to a new poll conducted by Research and Polling Inc., 61% OF New Mexicans support legalizing, taxing, and regulating marijuana to adults 21 and over. The Drug Policy Alliance sponsored both the poll and a news conference at the… Continue Reading →
I remember walking into a 12-step treatment facility for the first time, as an intern, and being asked by one of the patients, “Are you in recovery?” The question was invasive, to me, as I wasn’t there for treatment, but… Continue Reading →
Researchers have shown, time and time again, that stigmatization is strongly associated with Addiction and Addiction Treatment. However, there are times when it is appropriate to “let go” of an addict. Now, someone may tell me, “But, aren’t you the… Continue Reading →
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