I study ways of becoming successful. Whether it’s for success within a treatment program or success on a large project, there are literally hundreds of programs that provide different tools and techniques for becoming successful. However, even though all of… Continue Reading →
in the barrio, we called ourselves, Chicanos. I always believed that was what I was: A Chicano kid. I had no idea growing up that there isn’t any real such thing as a Chicano. I came to learn that in… Continue Reading →
We’ve all seen interventions depicted in movies: Family and friends gather around someone, usually with the guidance of a counselor, and provide evidence about how and why that person should stop using a particular substance. The goal of this intervention… Continue Reading →
One morning as I ran, a caterpillar crossed my path. I noticed it because caterpillars are creepy looking to me. Plus, they’re sluggish and live with the sole purpose of gaining weight and I admit that I’m a bit jealous… Continue Reading →
Among the challenges I face in attempting to educate people is their strict adherence to what they think they know. Popular culture provides certain myths that become adopted as though they’re facts – without little reflection or testing about the… Continue Reading →
I wanted to be sure about my stance on mediocrity because some public and private comments I received about life’s constant pull towards mediocrity made me quesiton what I was saying. So, I looked up “mediocre” in Webster’s. I learned… Continue Reading →
I haven’t been writing a whole lot this month. For the life of me, I couldn’t figure out the source of my latest bout with writer’s block. But then, out of the blue, I learned about the Cicero’s six (6)… Continue Reading →
I’m often criticized for being too idealistic in my approach to my work and my life. It’s getting harder and harder to sit in meetings where people are saying things like, “Sure, in a perfect world, we could do things… Continue Reading →
Yesterday, someone told me that I shouldn’t be opening up certain cans of worms. But, as a writer, I do believe it’s my duty to use words as shields against oppression. I’m not afraid of being disliked; I’m not afraid… Continue Reading →
I was talking with someone the other day about a seventeen (17) year old girl who was using crystal meth. “Her mom and grandpa are on top of her about it, but she just won’t stop,” said the person. I… Continue Reading →
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