Addiction is as much a culture as it is a disease. What’s more is that, as is the case with any culture, when someone outside the culture of Addiction tries to understand it, they often misunderstand and misjudge what they… Continue Reading →
Why are we so stupid and blind? Why is there such a tendency to pretend as though our biological and social programming don’t determine so much of how we turn out? Genetics and upbringing combine to form our “identity” so… Continue Reading →
It’s a bit frustrating to me that the Addiction Treatment community still primarily employs 12-step programs as the means of treating various addictions. I think that 12-step programs can provide support; however, certain substances such as alcohol, heroin, and nicotine… Continue Reading →
Fighting substance abuse isn’t easy; many people have opinions both towards substances and towards addicts, but few offer any real solutions. One thing that I really don’t think helps is solely looking at substances. While I do think that we… Continue Reading →
And so, once again, I’ve completed my Holy Thursday tradition of walking to the Santuario de Chimayo. It takes me about seven hours to walk the 22 or so miles from my starting point to arrive at the mystical little… Continue Reading →
Really, addiction is a multi-layered disease per the American Society of Addiction Medicine’s definition, “Addiction is a primary, chronic disease of brain reward, motivation, memory and related circuitry. Dysfunction in these circuits leads to characteristic biological, psychological, social and spiritual… Continue Reading →
While I do think that people are entitled to their opinions and I respect everyone’s right to express those opinions, what I don’t support is ignorant beliefs that interfere with people’s health. When I hear people say things like, “Addicts… Continue Reading →
Recovery is a good thing – even though can suck sometimes, it really is better to face life’s B.S. through lucidity than through the haze of Addiction. But, recovery doesn’t appear to be that easy of a sell; most of… Continue Reading →
After snapping a few pics, I asked my wife, “Do you think Lazarus would have noticed this flower?” Her face said, “What on Earth are you talking about now?” But what fell from her mouth was,”Huh?” “I’m just wondering if… Continue Reading →
The Addict Identity must die. Most people would agree with that, but what they may not either agree with or understand is that they keep the Addict Identity alive. The challenge is that most people don’t understand the Addict Identity,… Continue Reading →
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