The place where Juan Blea writes about all that is good and strong and beautiful!

Tag addiction

Want to be a better leader? here’s how…

In my professional travels, I have probably failed a lot more than I have succeeded.  I’ve led projects and teams that have won awards, but more often than not, I have been a part of projects that simply do not… Continue Reading →

Blogging is my practice, but should it be?

There are times when it feels like no one listens.  I write and teach about healthy ways to approach substance abuse, yet people continue to dig their respective holes and wonder why they can’t get out.  I started blogging to… Continue Reading →

Automatic Judgement Prevents Recovery

One of the more common ideas in recovery is that 75% of addicts will relapse within the first 90 days of their recovery. But, this idea has no weight within any single person’s path towards health. As a matter of… Continue Reading →

We are the problem, not guns or drugs

I’m sorry, but neither guns nor drugs are the problem.  From my perspective, it’s easy to blame objects when the real source of the problems we face lies in the mirror.  Now, do I think automatic weapons should be legal?… Continue Reading →

Try to understand the culture of Addiction

Addiction is as much a culture as it is a disease. What’s more is that, as is the case with any culture, when someone outside the culture of Addiction tries to understand it, they often misunderstand and misjudge what they… Continue Reading →

Opioid use disorders are the result of genetic + social programming

Why are we so stupid and blind?  Why is there such a tendency to pretend as though our biological and social programming don’t determine so much of how we turn out? Genetics and upbringing combine to form our “identity” so… Continue Reading →

Psst, Treatment community: Wake the F**k Up!

It’s a bit frustrating to me that the Addiction Treatment community still primarily employs 12-step programs as the means of treating various addictions. I think that 12-step programs can provide support; however, certain substances such as alcohol, heroin, and nicotine… Continue Reading →

Why do we all need a recovery identity?

Fighting substance abuse isn’t easy; many people have opinions both towards substances and towards addicts, but few offer any real solutions.  One thing that I really don’t think helps is solely looking at substances.  While I do think that we… Continue Reading →

AI is no match for the Human Soul

And so, once again, I’ve completed my Holy Thursday tradition of walking to the Santuario de Chimayo. It takes me about seven hours to walk the 22 or so miles from my starting point to arrive at the mystical little… Continue Reading →

What is Addiction?

Really, addiction is a multi-layered disease per the American Society of Addiction Medicine’s definition, “Addiction is a primary, chronic disease of brain reward, motivation, memory and related circuitry. Dysfunction in these circuits leads to characteristic biological, psychological, social and spiritual… Continue Reading →

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