The place where Juan Blea writes about all that is good and strong and beautiful!

Tag alcohol treatment

Location AND genetics determine if you develop alcoholism

There seems to be a common perception that there’s reason to argue about “nature vs. nurture.” There isn’t. Neither genetics nor environment play a bigger role in human development. The reality that modern research is presenting is that the argument… Continue Reading →

No one can fix somebody else, but there is comfort in understanding.

During a recent consultation phone call, a mother of a young woman who was binge-drinking argued that her daughter was a full-blown alcoholic and needed intense treatment. “But,” I said. “Is she using alcohol compulsively?” Her brow furrowed and her… Continue Reading →

A Note to a Grieving Father

People shuffled around me as I attempted to offer condolences to a man whose committed suicide.  I didn’t know the man; he’s a friend of my wife’s and I had never met him before his son’s funeral.  But in his… Continue Reading →

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