The place where Juan Blea writes about all that is good and strong and beautiful!

Tag Alcoholics Anonymous

Try to see addicts as sick and not evil

I challenge everyone: The next time you hear about someone suffering (or dying) due to Addiction or to Depression, try to see them as someone stricken with a terminal illness, not as someone who is weak or a failure, or… Continue Reading →

Maybe there’s even something to AA’s “higher power” after all…

It’s hard for me to argue with data and evidence.  If I think something, but can’t support it, then I don’t discuss it much.  At least I try not to; I admit that my unfounded opinions can make their escape… Continue Reading →

New evidence that AA can be a resource for Recovery

While I can understand the criticisms of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) and other 12-step programs, a recent study that I stumbled upon suggests that for people wanting to achieve sustained abstinence from alcohol use, increased AA meeting attendance yields positive results…. Continue Reading →

Stop wasting time on legislating morality

Once again, the myth that substance abuse is a conscious choice rears its ignorant head. And once again, uninformed people offer “supply-side” solutions to a “demand-side” problem. It can become frustrating to hear, time and again, how people who struggle… Continue Reading →

A brief intervention

If someone were shooting a video of his feet while he walked, the video would have captured his stride and cadence and pace and any viewer would have recognized the steps of an elderly man. The viewer would notice the… Continue Reading →

Like it or not, fighting Addiction is everyone's war

Among the challenges I face in attempting to educate people is their strict adherence to what they think they know. Popular culture provides certain myths that become adopted as though they’re facts – without little reflection or testing about the… Continue Reading →

There is value in using substances

I was talking with someone the other day about a seventeen (17) year old girl who was using crystal meth. “Her mom and grandpa are on top of her about it, but she just won’t stop,” said the person. I… Continue Reading →

Our negative thoughts are our own worst enemy

Life reminds me how we all can feed negative thoughts so much that they fill our souls and then spill out into our words and actions.  We remain fixed in our negative beliefs and continue to defeat our best intentions… Continue Reading →

An Open Letter to a Substance Abuser

Hello. I am a treatment provider.  I’ve seen way too much suffering that resulted from substance abuse and I have no doubt that recovery is valuable and that a life lived through sobriety provides benefits that far outweigh the cloud… Continue Reading →

No More Alchohol Addiction!

The University of New Mexico presents weekly training workshops for clinicians who work with addictions and substance abuse disorders.  One such presentation, by Doctor Miriam Komaromy, MD, was about treating alcohol dependence/addiction. The set of slides within the workshop covered… Continue Reading →

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