The place where Juan Blea writes about all that is good and strong and beautiful!

Tag Alcoholism

Thank you Dad.

It’s been a while now since my Dad left this world. Doesn’t feel like it, though. I still wait for his call, every day, until I remember that my caller Id will never again say, “Dad.” The memory of his… Continue Reading →

Location AND genetics determine if you develop alcoholism

There seems to be a common perception that there’s reason to argue about “nature vs. nurture.” There isn’t. Neither genetics nor environment play a bigger role in human development. The reality that modern research is presenting is that the argument… Continue Reading →

Zombies, Demons, and Ghosts are REAL!

I am not a good storyteller. Although I do my best, it’s not easy for me to weave words into a set of beginnings, middles, and ends that envelop and transform readers. The problem with my limited capability is that… Continue Reading →

Psst, Treatment community: Wake the F**k Up!

It’s a bit frustrating to me that the Addiction Treatment community still primarily employs 12-step programs as the means of treating various addictions. I think that 12-step programs can provide support; however, certain substances such as alcohol, heroin, and nicotine… Continue Reading →

Feel emotions, but don’t let them rule you

Typically, I leave my house at 6:15 AM for work. Most mornings, I’m rushed and hustle about my home at an almost frenetic pace; gotta beat the traffic, gotta be there on time. While I drive, my mind races over… Continue Reading →

Why do Oxy users switch to Heroin?

Tammy knew that she would never use heroin. Though she’d been addicted to Oxys for over two years, heroin wasn’t in her future. Really, she wasn’t one of those addicts – no way no how was she a junkie and… Continue Reading →

You can’t drink the dead back to life

The other day, I ran into an old friend who has now been sober for quite a while.  He’s enthusiastic about his recovery and tries to help others get into twelve-step programs.  He said that he was talking to a… Continue Reading →

Is being a writer worse than being an alcoholic?

There wasn’t a lot left – a couple of drops, really. But it called to me and awakened something inside of me. Not really lust, not really gluttony, but more of a memory than anything else. It was a drop… Continue Reading →

No one can fix somebody else, but there is comfort in understanding.

During a recent consultation phone call, a mother of a young woman who was binge-drinking argued that her daughter was a full-blown alcoholic and needed intense treatment. “But,” I said. “Is she using alcohol compulsively?” Her brow furrowed and her… Continue Reading →

I need to beat The Addict once and for all — PLEASE SHARE

I first remember meeting The Addict when I was around 8 years old. My family was hosting a regular Friday night barbecue and, as usual, alcohol was involved. There weren’t many times when my dad chose to NOT drink copious… Continue Reading →

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