The place where Juan Blea writes about all that is good and strong and beautiful!

Tag behavioral change

How to change someone else…

In my day-to-day life, I have come to see and appreciate that I am an agent of change. Regardless of what hat I wear, I am usually creating or monitoring a plan through which change will occur. It’s not really… Continue Reading →

Change Management is neither just a buzzword nor is it all that complicated…

Change management isn’t just a business buzzword that people slide into their resumes. It’s a real thing that people really don’t value or understand. Drives me nuts how little people think about how they manages changes, whether it be in… Continue Reading →

We all need to get past our comfort zone…

Organizations tend to stay in their comfort zones and don’t ever really try to grow or innovate past their entrenched modes of behavior. That they continue to do things as they’ve always been done is the basis for the problems that continue to crop up year after year.

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