At the end of 2016, my last book won an award. When my publicist at the time called to inform me, I felt unstoppable, like I had climbed mount everest with nothing more than my hiking boots and some twine…. Continue Reading →
Attempting a writing life creates lunacy. It isn’t easy parsing through millions of thoughts with a net that only holds a hundred or so at a time. It’s like fishing for plankton with a net suited for landing giant catfish…. Continue Reading →
Writing a book is really hard. I’ve written a few, but it never gets easier. I remember someone saying at a writing group in which I used to participate that a writer knows when they’re writing her truth when she… Continue Reading →
It has now been several since I’ve started my blog, For over 7 years, I’ve posted regularly to While I can’t say that blogging success has allowed me to retire, I can say that it has grown and… Continue Reading →
There are times when it feels like no one listens. I write and teach about healthy ways to approach substance abuse, yet people continue to dig their respective holes and wonder why they can’t get out. I started blogging to… Continue Reading →
It has now been almost 6 years since I’ve started my blog, While I can’t say that blogging success has allowed me to retire, I can say that it has grown and continues to grow. I am quite grateful… Continue Reading →
It may sound kind of strange, but I’ve never bought into the idea that mental health is an “either/or” proposition. I don’t think it’s realistic to suggest that mental health is a goal; to do so would assume that someone… Continue Reading →
Today’s the first official day of my venture into the “Book in a Month” system. According to the program, I should write a one sentence summary and fill out what’s called a Story Idea Map, as well as, write the… Continue Reading →
I’ve begun writing a new book that I am entitling, The Teacher. This book is a transformation story in which the protagonist “finds” his truth amidst great struggle and grief. Now, I haven’t gotten very far, but to aid me… Continue Reading →
There wasn’t a lot left – a couple of drops, really. But it called to me and awakened something inside of me. Not really lust, not really gluttony, but more of a memory than anything else. It was a drop… Continue Reading →
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