Hello. I am a treatment provider. I’ve seen way too much suffering that resulted from substance abuse and I have no doubt that recovery is valuable and that a life lived through sobriety provides benefits that far outweigh the cloud… Continue Reading →
The University of New Mexico presents weekly training workshops for clinicians who work with addictions and substance abuse disorders. One such presentation, by Doctor Miriam Komaromy, MD, was about treating alcohol dependence/addiction. The set of slides within the workshop covered… Continue Reading →
I was leading a Trauma Group a few years back. In this group, people shared their stories about pain and loss and grief and expressed their ways that all that suffering played a role in their addiction. One person, however,… Continue Reading →
Among my pet peeves about Dr. Phil-esque beliefs around addiction is the concept that someone who’s addicted to something is “in denial” about his or her addiction. To be “in denial” means that a person is consciously choosing to ignore… Continue Reading →
“Hello, this is Juan Blea calling to refer a client. Can you please call me back to set up a time to do a screening?” I must’ve said that fifteen times this week. Guess how many calls back I received?… Continue Reading →
I wanted to share three (3) quotes from journal entries that clients within an inpatient treatment facility have shared with m. I believe that these entires may be able to provide clues and ideas to carry forward into other aspects… Continue Reading →
I’ve been tracking down information about the BRENDA substance abuse treatment model over the last few weeks. The questions for which I’ve been seeking answers are: 1) What is the BRENDA treatment model; and, 2) Does it work as well… Continue Reading →
In today’s world, it can seem like everything is going to Hell in a handbasket. News reports of violence and mayhem rule the airwaves; when coupled with social media, bad news travels faster than ever. Plus, providing substance abuse treatment… Continue Reading →
I don’t know why some people end up lost within an addiction while others don’t. Nor can I say with any certainty that a given treatment plan will work. In situations of great complexity, of which addiction is one, there… Continue Reading →
I think it’s hard to argue that we in some trouble. Hundreds of people each month are succumbing to drug and alcohol addiction. Needless deaths. I write this column in hopes that someone reads it and guides either himself or… Continue Reading →
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