i walk while detritus at my feet frames shards of broken lives that reflect a cubist distortion of what I could be bottle twists and pipe puffs could’ve scattered me among dead sagebrush and forgotten dreams but i ignored the… Continue Reading →
may be just a house yet it resonates with and through me… adobe bricks and mud-plastered walls contain sounds and smells that echo in me as well haven’t lived there in years but really, i’ve never left this house and… Continue Reading →
the sun is setting on who you are and what you want with a goodbye kiss the light will fade and dreams will dissipate within the days last mist but there’s still time and light to guide and chart… Continue Reading →
eight to five frames those hours that are barbed-wire fences that enclose and bind. weeds cover and invade once fertile corners of our minds. and — for sale signs hang around necks we are corporate whores sold to mediocre bidders… Continue Reading →
I stash myself in words and in borrowed thoughts. chunks of me cover blank pages that were once a redemptive smile on a broken man’s face. the corners of his mouth purse away my own tears his eyes are my… Continue Reading →
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