Albert Einstein once asked,” What does a fish know about the water in which he swims all his life?” He asked that question in regards to people because, like fish, people are often unaware of the significance of their own… Continue Reading →
I think it’s a symptom of a weak and unprepared mind to suggest that increasing police budgets just to deal with narcotics is a good use of tax dollars. Of the 1,552,432 arrests for drug law violations in 2012, 82.2%… Continue Reading →
When someone struggles with Depression or with an addiction (or both), I’m willing to bet everything I have that his or her life has been reduced to a single point of consciousness. That singular focus, either the atrophy of Depression… Continue Reading →
If you asked one hundred people who know me, I’m willing to place a large bet that you’ll get one hundred different answers. I guess it’s that way: people know each other through some role or another through which they… Continue Reading →
I downloaded a guide from a site that provides awesome information regarding things parents can do when their child is addicted. I’ve included the guide at the bottom of this post because I do think that, while it’s short, provides… Continue Reading →
An interesting question came my way today: What does poetry have to do with recovery? I’ve posted a couple of poems and the reason I did (and probably will again) is that I not only believe in the power of… Continue Reading →
“Hello, this is Juan Blea calling to refer a client. Can you please call me back to set up a time to do a screening?” I must’ve said that fifteen times this week. Guess how many calls back I received?… Continue Reading →
Hi. First of all, please understand that I’m still here. I know you’re worried and I know you think I’m heading down a bad road. But I’m still here and I really need you to love me anyway. It’s hard… Continue Reading →
Whenever I’ve known someone to get into a car accident, I’ve seen enormous amounts of support: People head to the hospital in droves and offer any assistance they can. Seeing that much support tends to fill me with belief in… Continue Reading →
One of the real truths that my wife’s grandmother used to profess is that, “Cada cabeza es u mundo.” Translated, this means that every mind is its own world. She would usually say this when hearing a story about someone… Continue Reading →
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