The place where Juan Blea writes about all that is good and strong and beautiful!

Tag covid-19

A shiny hiney is a requirement for facing a crisis

Here we are, locked down again. And here we are, once again, hoarding toilet paper. If I live to be 100 years old, I will never understand the impulse the load up on toilet paper when faced with a crisis…. Continue Reading →

Really, it’s ok to feel bad these days

I have no idea when this crappy lockdown will end. That’s right, I think it’s crappy. It sucks to be away from normal life. It sucks to have to be isolated from people I love and it’s really crappy to… Continue Reading →

Wasted Lent? Then why bother with Easter services?

Every year, Lent starts on Ash Wednesday. It marks the start of a forty (40) day period in which we are called to reflect and pray, similarly to what Christ experienced during 40 days in the wilderness. Every year, we… Continue Reading →

Is Santa Fe’s hope greater than its fear?

Over the last week or so, Santa Fe has saddened me. Supply hoarders have limited supplies of items that everyone needs. There’s already enough fear in the world right now, why on Earth would anyone want to add anger to… Continue Reading →

Flying Tortilla in Santa Fe is simply the best!

If there’s no food left anywhere, I’m moving into Flying Tortilla in Santa Fe, NM. It’s one of my go-to places as it is, but the way it’s responding to the current crisis is nothing short of brilliant and I… Continue Reading →

It may be the end, but at least we’ll be Commando Clean!

Heaven requires Being Commando Clean. You see, whenever Buddha or Mohamed or Baby Jesus comes to take some of us into heaven, he’ll be looking at our drawers to make sure they’re as white as the day we pulled them… Continue Reading →

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