The place where Juan Blea writes about all that is good and strong and beautiful!

Tag creative writing

My Creativity Principle and its Perspective on Human Nature

Over the last several years, I’ve been reflecting on what defines human nature. Initially, my thoughts were rooted in the idea that humans are fundamentally driven by two basic needs: the drive to eat and the drive to reproduce. These… Continue Reading →

in politics, friends are all that matter

I’ve been around a lot of political environments and one thing I can say for sure: if karate were like politics, anyone could become a black belt simply by being buddies with the sansei. I don’t even think anyone would… Continue Reading →

I am anti-Crystal Meth, so there!

I try not to be to “black and white” about life. There’s always another side to a story and most sides to any story are probably valid from a certain perspective. But I really have to draw the line at… Continue Reading →

WAnt to join Writers anonymous?

Attempting a writing life creates lunacy. It isn’t easy parsing through millions of thoughts with a net that only holds a hundred or so at a time. It’s like fishing for plankton with a net suited for landing giant catfish…. Continue Reading →

4 things I’ve Learned from Blogging

It has now been several since I’ve started my blog, For over 7 years, I’ve posted regularly to While I can’t say that blogging success has allowed me to retire, I can say that it has grown and… Continue Reading →

My Birthday Wish: Eliminate Cancel Culture

Today is my birthday. My wish is that people rise up and eliminate the stupidity that is cancel culture. it’s not only stupid, but it only serves to keep hate alive. The idea that someone can get “canceled” for something… Continue Reading →

How the Commodore 64 saved my life…wink wink…

It was late on a Saturday night; maybe two or three in the morning when I awoke to the sound of toes tipping across my carpet. I was twelve and scared to death. Still, I listened to the shuffling going… Continue Reading →

Happy Birthday to my wife whose smile lights the world!

In the course of a lifetime, we are lucky if we even encounter someone whose smile can move a mountain.  When we do, our souls are somehow healed from pain we didn’t even know we carried.  I know about these… Continue Reading →

What does it take to overcome the fear of Recovery?

Recovery is a good thing – even though can suck sometimes, it really is better to face life’s B.S. through lucidity than through the haze of Addiction. But, recovery doesn’t appear to be that easy of a sell; most of… Continue Reading →

4 things I’ve learned from blogging

It has now been almost 6 years since I’ve started my blog, While I can’t say that blogging success has allowed me to retire, I can say that it has grown and continues to grow. I am quite grateful… Continue Reading →

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