The place where Juan Blea writes about all that is good and strong and beautiful!

Tag crisis

A shiny hiney is a requirement for facing a crisis

Here we are, locked down again. And here we are, once again, hoarding toilet paper. If I live to be 100 years old, I will never understand the impulse the load up on toilet paper when faced with a crisis…. Continue Reading →

Caring during a crisis can make all the difference

A whole bunch of years ago, I attended a Play Therapy conference that taught me more about leadership during a crisis (and parenting during a crisis) that anything else I had studied to that point.  Really, I haven’t learned a… Continue Reading →

Needing to change presents a crisis, we all can help — 2CEUs

The best definition of power I’ve ever come across is that power is a knowing and active participation in change.  Many times, a person who ends up addicted to a substance really had no clue what he or she was… Continue Reading →

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