The place where Juan Blea writes about all that is good and strong and beautiful!

Tag education of at-risk youth

I am Juan Blea and I am running for Santa Fe’s school board

I am Juan Blea and after months of waffling, I’ve decided to run for Santa Fe’s school board. Several people who are close to local politics and elections have spoken with me and told me, in no uncertain terms, that… Continue Reading →

Education can free us from our anger

For me, education was the both the escape from the internalized pain I developed on the streets and the tools i used to emerge from poverty. Yet, I’m still angry. But, why am I angry, and at who? Who is… Continue Reading →

Racial inequality is real, but there is a solution

Systemic racial inequality is real. In looking locally, the City of Santa Fe issued a survey to which mostly anglos who live in the affluent side of town responded. Now, while some have decried the demographics of the responses, they… Continue Reading →

Some things ARE worth fighting for

It’s easy to become complacent and think that our actions make no difference in the world. Like most people, I can get loaded with apathy and fail to fight forward for the causes in which I believe. But then, life… Continue Reading →

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