A colleague of mine recently asked me how to integrate “privilege awareness” into a discussion regarding how a client may not feel comfortable with a therapist of a different social group. The issue that arose was that therapists tend to… Continue Reading →
Systemic racial inequality is real. In looking locally, the City of Santa Fe issued a survey to which mostly anglos who live in the affluent side of town responded. Now, while some have decried the demographics of the responses, they… Continue Reading →
I haven’t been writing a whole lot this month. For the life of me, I couldn’t figure out the source of my latest bout with writer’s block. But then, out of the blue, I learned about the Cicero’s six (6)… Continue Reading →
Why the hell am I doing this? I’ve asked myself this question several times over the last few days and yesterday may have shed some light on my reasons. I sat down with a client and as we talked about… Continue Reading →
The idea that someone has to hit rock bottom before he or she will make a change is a misperception. This misperception leads many to people washing their hands of those who struggle with substance abuse challenges. According to freedictionary.com,… Continue Reading →
I hold the belief that leadership is as much a clinical discipline as counseling or psychology. Really, leadership takes the evidence of a given domain and then seeks to modify human behavior towards a desired outcome using the domain-specific evidence…. Continue Reading →
I was talking with someone the other about behavioral issues in the workplace and the conversation flowed, naturally, towards leadership. “How can someone know if they’re even a good leader?” the person asked me and couldn’t have been happier to… Continue Reading →
I need your help. As a CEU Provider and Alcohol and Drug Abuse Counselor, I tend to see a lot of the same issues emerge: Family toxicity, trauma, self-medication, and socio-economic circumstances (SECs). However, what isn’t talked about, is how… Continue Reading →
I recently met with a father and son regarding the son’s discharge from an inpatient treatment facility. The purpose of the meeting was to settle a dispute between them. Specifically, the issue was: Should the son reach out to his… Continue Reading →
e idea that someone has to hit rock bottom before he or she will make a change is a misperception and leads to many people washing their hands of those who struggle with substance abuse challenges. To begin, according to… Continue Reading →
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