The place where Juan Blea writes about all that is good and strong and beautiful!

Tag Education

Some things ARE worth fighting for

It’s easy to become complacent and think that our actions make no difference in the world. Like most people, I can get loaded with apathy and fail to fight forward for the causes in which I believe. But then, life… Continue Reading →

Santa Fe NEEDS to support the South-Side Teen Center….

Mayor Webber and Councilor Roman Abeyta are championing a South-Side Teen Center in Santa Fe. To me, this is a visionary project that will positively impact a marginalized sector of my historic city. This teen center is something that all… Continue Reading →

Do sticks and carrots really motivate?

I’ve heard, several times, that managing people in government agencies is hard because there are no “sticks or carrots” that managers can use to motivate their employees. But every time I hear the “sticks and carrots” metaphor, I think if… Continue Reading →

Addiction Education must be provided in these 4 areas…

I don’t think anyone would argue with me when i say that Addiction is a complex condition. However, it does appear that, while Addiction is complex, I think people believe Recovery is simple. Over the years, I’ve heard many people… Continue Reading →

Read this to recognize leadership…

What is leadership? Most people can’t describe it, but do know what it is when they see it. I, however, believe in it, almost as fervently as if were a religion. I’ve offered this definition of leadership to whomever asks… Continue Reading →

My addiction treatment book can save lives

As an author, it’s not enough for me to write books and hope they find their readers.  I have to push them.  No publisher, agent, or publicist will ever love my work more than me and none of them can… Continue Reading →

Want to be a better leader? here’s how…

In my professional travels, I have probably failed a lot more than I have succeeded.  I’ve led projects and teams that have won awards, but more often than not, I have been a part of projects that simply do not… Continue Reading →

Blogging is my practice, but should it be?

There are times when it feels like no one listens.  I write and teach about healthy ways to approach substance abuse, yet people continue to dig their respective holes and wonder why they can’t get out.  I started blogging to… Continue Reading →

The City of Santa Fe sucks – RIP Triathlon

What really pisses me off about the City of Santa Fe permanently cancelling its triathlon (please see: City calls off event) is that, if it can’t even put on an event, how in the Hell can it be a resource… Continue Reading →

I almost had a radio show…or did I?

First of all, it wasn’t my idea. Someone at a nameless Santa Fe-based broadcasting company approached me with the idea of a radio show that I would host and discuss matters pertaining to substance abuse. I gave it some thought… Continue Reading →

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