The place where Juan Blea writes about all that is good and strong and beautiful!

Tag Genetics

Our Ancestors can Guide Us

Our ancestors can either haunt us, or they can guide us. When it comes to my family, I can’t say I’m all that familiar with them. Or even, who they are. Specifically, I never knew my grandfather, Ernest Rocha. He… Continue Reading →

Location AND genetics determine if you develop alcoholism

There seems to be a common perception that there’s reason to argue about “nature vs. nurture.” There isn’t. Neither genetics nor environment play a bigger role in human development. The reality that modern research is presenting is that the argument… Continue Reading →

Opioid use disorders are the result of genetic + social programming

Why are we so stupid and blind?  Why is there such a tendency to pretend as though our biological and social programming don’t determine so much of how we turn out? Genetics and upbringing combine to form our “identity” so… Continue Reading →

Addiction is the legacy of the Born Immmigrant

To many in the Southwestern United States and Northern Mexico, the United State’s enactment of the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo was nothing more than a fancy smoke and mirrors tactic that allowed the U.S. to steal huge pieces of land… Continue Reading →

Genetics is the loaded gun, environment is the trigger.

Turns out, it isn’t a matter of nature versus nurture.  It’s more like nature AND nurture.  Throughout my formal education, which consisted of a lot of courses in psychology and human development, there was a standing argument about which variable… Continue Reading →

It's all a matter of persepective

Physics does exactly what I’m seeking to do: Name and manipulate unseen forces. How do these forces work in the physics world? That’s the first question. For example, if I can throw a ball twenty yards, but I want to… Continue Reading →

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