The place where Juan Blea writes about all that is good and strong and beautiful!

Tag Guitar

Santa Fe is dead — thank god for the Guitar Mestizo

I’ve been writing, for years, about things I find interesting. A lot of the time, I write about Santa Fe things: politics, restaurants, politics. But those days are done. Especially the politics part. There isn’t anything good for me within… Continue Reading →

Guitar shop in Denver is far better than political climate in Santa Fe

After spending some time at the Colfax Guitar Shop, it was totally disheartening to read the Santa Fe New Mexican regarding how horrible things are in Santa Fe. Really, between CYFD and late City of Santa Fe audits, it feels… Continue Reading →

Can a guitar be gold?

Robert Frost said that nature’s first green is gold. I’ve done all I can to live through what I understand his words to mean. At the beginning of every day, there is magical potential in what the morning can yield…. Continue Reading →

why am i building a new guitar?

The most important question to ask when considering a new project is: Why am I doing this project? I don’t care what kind of project it is, if you don’t know why you’re doing the project, there is no way… Continue Reading →

Building guitars heals anger

When things get bad, and they always do, it’s easy for me to hide in the anger and frustration. It’s even easier for me to use the anger to feed bad juju. But I can’t say that anything good comes… Continue Reading →

Should a middle-ager dare to dream?

I’m a middle-ager who’s spent the huge majority of his adult life designing, building, and implementing large-scale software systems. And I am grateful for always having work and being able to do my work well. The software world has allowed… Continue Reading →

The thing inside of me

I look out my hallway window and watch the sky turn bright rust.  The thing inside of me pulled me out of bed before the sun climbed into view: It needed to express.  I needed to walk downstairs and play… Continue Reading →

Voice of Salvation — A POEM

Saw and heard George Thorogood his guitar sounded like the damned finding their salvation crying for their reprieve   I played my guitar today wouldn’t have melted warm butter but it felt good to play and I was glad I… Continue Reading →

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