Watching paramedics take my wife away in an ambulance sucked. The only thing I could think was, “what if they aren’t paramedics but rather aliens?! What are they doing to her in there?” Just kidding. i was actually scared to… Continue Reading →
My father recently passed away and while I do feel loss, my faith is providing me with a real sense of peace. My dad struggled with a form of bone marrow cancer called myelodysplastic syndrome(MDS) and over the last three… Continue Reading →
In participating in a protest honoring someone I’ve known as long as I’ve breathed who was gunned down by what can only be described as a cowardly and overzealous cop, three (3) thoughts occurred to me: 1) that if I… Continue Reading →
When I attend funerals, I watch people lined up like ants locked on to a food source, hoping for inspiration to find words to heal wounds. But none come. Instead of helping, the drone of the “I’m sorry’s” and “Is… Continue Reading →
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