The place where Juan Blea writes about all that is good and strong and beautiful!

Tag Health

Readiness don't just happen — 2 CEUS

Saying that someone who abuses drugs and/or alcohol has to be ready to quit is a lot like saying that a rose has to be ready to grow.  And while that statement might appear true on the surface, I don’t… Continue Reading →

Deciding isn't doing — 2CEUs

In classes I teach, one of my favorite ways to start is to tell the class about a frog sitting on a lily pad that decided to jump to another lily pad one day.  They look at me, usually, like… Continue Reading →

I will be a leader — 2CEUs

For me, leadership is a personal goal that I hope to one day reach.  I don’t mean that one day I want to be the CEO of some company or another; I mean that I want to affect someone’s life… Continue Reading →

Be empowered…life's better that way — 2CEUs

I am compelled to present two concepts that speak to the heart of what I believe: (1) psychological empowerment; and (2) locus of control. According to Spreitzer (1995), Psychological Empowerment is the unbreakable set of four beliefs: (1) Meaning, which… Continue Reading →

Is it too late for me? 2CEUs

I don’t think it’s ever too late to try to get clean and live a sober life.  But, I do acknowledge that the longer an addiction progresses, the harder it can be get clean.  Plus, once someone does get clean,… Continue Reading →

Five steps of relapse prevention — 2CEUs

One of the many things that bugs me about relapse prevention is that, when it comes to addiction, using is the norm and not using is the lapse.  It’s normal to use and not using is the difficulty within a… Continue Reading →

LIfe shouldn't be about waiting for death — 2CEUs

I saw a homeless man, hunched over, in what appeared to be his attempt to ward off the cold wind.  I called out to him, but he either didn’t hear me or wasn’t aware of my existence.  I came within… Continue Reading →

Like it or not, we are all connected

I’ve spent hours watching spiders spin webs, wait, and then blast anything that lands in those webs with a shot of venom.  Maybe I need some hobbies, but spider watching is among the most beautiful sights in nature to me. … Continue Reading →

To Hell with bad juju — 2CEUs

When looking out into the ocean, I can’t help but feel overwhelmed.  I know that if I tried to swim out into its unknown secrets, I’d be swallowed and I’d never return.  Can get to me: I have no that… Continue Reading →

From the mouths of substance abusers — 3CEUs

To me, addiction is layered, complex, and difficult to understand.  Those layers and difficulties provide obstacles to treating those afflicted with the disease.  Plus, in looking at family and friends within the addict’s circle, the challenges grow exponentially.  However, in… Continue Reading →

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