A fourteen year old girl died while attending a concert at which she was taking heavy doses of Ecstacy. They coroner’s report indicated that her heart rate was more than double the normal rate. I didn’t know the girl, nor… Continue Reading →
I live by five (5) rules that I believe provide emotional health: Do not harbor sinister designs Cultivate a wide range of interest in the arts Be knowledgeable in a variety if occupations Do not be negligent, even in trifling… Continue Reading →
I don’t know why some people end up lost within an addiction while others don’t. Nor can I say with any certainty that a given treatment plan will work. In situations of great complexity, of which addiction is one, there… Continue Reading →
A friend of mine once asked me, “What motivates you as a writer?” I thought about truth and strength and beauty. But, when my mouth opened, I said, “What motivates my writing the most, by far, is anger.” And it… Continue Reading →
the wind blows and I know that change is coming soon my tears dry then laughs break into bittersweet candy drops Still here you are the Captain of my sea riding the ebbs and flows knowing which way… Continue Reading →
Though there is no such thing as a magic bullet that can ward off Depression/Addiction, I try my best to live by five (5) rules that go a really long way in maintaining and improving my emotional health: Do not… Continue Reading →
I’ve encountered all kinds of people who suffer from an addiction. There are those kinds that that suffer with an undiagnosed and untreated illness for which they self-medicate (for example, someone who abuses cocaine may suffer from ADHD). There are… Continue Reading →
I think it’s hard to argue that we in some trouble. Hundreds of people each month are succumbing to drug and alcohol addiction. Needless deaths. I write this column in hopes that someone reads it and guides either himself or… Continue Reading →
I’ve heard self-righteous sinners call depression a self-pity party. They congregate and pray and sing away their need to swim in gallons of jack Daniel’s: in words and in songs they congratulate themselves because in a blink of an eye… Continue Reading →
People shuffled around me as I attempted to offer condolences to a man whose committed suicide. I didn’t know the man; he’s a friend of my wife’s and I had never met him before his son’s funeral. But in his… Continue Reading →
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