The place where Juan Blea writes about all that is good and strong and beautiful!

Tag History

My great-grandpa died white? What?

The other day, I was trying to solve a problem at work and I became so frustrated that I launched my notebook straight into the ground. I was alone in my office and so no one saw me. However, had… Continue Reading →

My ancestors may have been better off losing limbs than their land and language

If I found and reported historical evidence that a group of marauders cut off the arms and legs of an entire group of people, I’m pretty sure people would freak out. Those who are related to the marauders would passionately… Continue Reading →

The Taos Rebellion shows NM’s drug problem is historical

Without any doubt, Northern New Mexico owns the worst reputation for drug-related issues, as Rio Arriba County owns the state’s highest drug related death rate. Epidemiological data shows that we, as a community, MUST do something to try and get… Continue Reading →

Opiates treat NM’s historical trauma

The ghosts of our ancestors and the ghosts of lost land haunt the region and cast shadows that I believe we either do not sense or understand. Death lingers and taints the area’s present consciousness – we live painfully aware… Continue Reading →

Why do Oxy users switch to Heroin?

Tammy knew that she would never use heroin. Though she’d been addicted to Oxys for over two years, heroin wasn’t in her future. Really, she wasn’t one of those addicts – no way no how was she a junkie and… Continue Reading →

My God help us reconnect

My beloved Santa Fe feels as though it’s falling, lost between the world of the healthy and unhealthy.  I often imagine my ancient city as an old grandmother who is nearing the end of a four hundred year fight. Still, she… Continue Reading →

Let's Revolutionize Education — 2 CEUs

I submit that the current goal of education in the United States of America is to create worker bees and boss bees.  Weber confirms this thought, “today’s capitalism, which has come to dominance in economic life, creates and trains, by… Continue Reading →

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