The place where Juan Blea writes about all that is good and strong and beautiful!

Tag identity

Want to kill the Addict Identity? Read this…

The Addict Identity must die.  Most people would agree with that, but what they may not either agree with or understand is that they keep the Addict Identity alive.  The challenge is that most people don’t understand the Addict Identity,… Continue Reading →

Labels may not be healthy, including “addict” or “alcoholic”

I consider myself a good writer and teacher.  At the heart of both is the hope and the belief that I can share information in such a way that can ignite the good, strong, and beautiful in those whom I… Continue Reading →

Really, homosexuals and those with mental illnesses are worthy of love

While I do think that people are entitled to their opinions and while I respect everyone’s right to express those opinions, I don’t support ignorant beliefs that interfere with people’s health. When I hear people say things like, “Gay people… Continue Reading →

if you want to help an addict, be the best version of yourself

The more time I spend researching and educating about Addiction, the more I’m beginning to realize that rewriting an identity is the real goal of any effective treatment program.  As a matter of fact, rewriting an identity is emerging to… Continue Reading →

I am Chicano

in the barrio, we called ourselves, Chicanos. I always believed that was what I was: A Chicano kid. I had no idea growing up that there isn’t any real such thing as a Chicano. I came to learn that in… Continue Reading →

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