The ghosts of our ancestors and the ghosts of lost land haunt the region and cast shadows that I believe we either do not sense or understand. Death lingers and taints the area’s present consciousness – we live painfully aware… Continue Reading →
We lose our culture, we turn into a rock. We lose our language, we die. Think about it: A rock is nothing more than a song that’s frozen. All the vibrations that once came together seize and harden and simply… Continue Reading →
There seems to be a common perception that there’s reason to argue about “nature vs. nurture.” There isn’t. Neither genetics nor environment play a bigger role in human development. The reality that modern research is presenting is that the argument… Continue Reading →
Gossip is common. The thing is, though, , if a group of people doesn’t the same person, that group of people tends to be strongly bonded. Sounds basic: The enemy of my enemy and all that, right? What I didn’t… Continue Reading →
Change is difficult. However, individuals, families, and organizations at one point or another all value and desire behavioral change. In my experience, the desire is often based upon discomfort with a current behavior. However, even though the desire can be… Continue Reading →
If you purchase, read, and most importantly, USE 49 Tips and Insights for Understanding Addiction (you can buy it here), you are taking a positive step towards understanding Substance Abuse & Addiction. While there is no magic bullet that can… Continue Reading →
As a substance abuse counselor, I believe to my core that blaming substances for addiction is a lot like blaming Quarter Pounders for obesity. Substances are not responsible for addiction, people who abuse them are. More specifically, realizing that substances… Continue Reading →
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