Over the years, I’ve made several wishes. Things like a gazillion dollars, magic carpets, and even a talking monkey that I could have as a best friend have all made the wish list. But one thing I do wish for… Continue Reading →
Living in santa fe nm is becoming impossible. I mean, I can live here, but it’s getting more and more difficult to not slip into a depression over the state of my city. The latest brick in the depressing wall… Continue Reading →
Recovery isn’t about flipping a switch or waving a magic wand. As a treatment provider, I believe it’s part of my mission to build a structure through which recovery is possible. We can pray that addicts simply stop using whatever… Continue Reading →
It’s been a while now since my Dad left this world. Doesn’t feel like it, though. I still wait for his call, every day, until I remember that my caller Id will never again say, “Dad.” The memory of his… Continue Reading →
The image below is striking to me. I think it captures the balance between morning dew and a petal. The dew drop is just hanging out and the petal is hosting it, like it’s just supposed to be that way…. Continue Reading →
Blaming technology really is the best path to absolution. In over twenty-five years of developing and implementing software, you could say I’ve learned a thing or two thousand. Among the most salient of my lessons about which I want to… Continue Reading →
My annual pilgrimage to the Santuario de Chimayo is now complete. I made the 22 mile trek on Holy Thursday. I spent Good Friday recovering and now that I am back to normal, I am able to process the trip…. Continue Reading →
Over the years, I’ve spent so much time with people struggling with opioid use disorder (OUD) that I almost believed that opioids were the only drugs of abuse. Obviously, opioids aren’t the only drugs of abuse. But I have seen… Continue Reading →
I’ve never bought into the idea that mental health is an “either/or” proposition. That is, someone isn’t either mentally healthy or not. I also don’t think that it’s realistic to suggest that mental health is a goal; to do so… Continue Reading →
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