The place where Juan Blea writes about all that is good and strong and beautiful!

Tag martial arts

I earned a purple belt in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu

A few days ago, my Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (bjj) training team (Gracie Barra Santa Fe) and professors (Sergio Rodriguez, Angelo Sanchez, Bobby Romero) promoted me from blue belt to purple belt. Not sure if I deserved it and I feel… Continue Reading →

Brazilian Jiu Jitsu is a lesson in mental focus

Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (BJJ) is a full contact sport that favors technique over strength and force. But for me, it’s not about technique or strength. I try to focus on the movement of energy and to do that, I have… Continue Reading →

We all need to get past our comfort zone…

Organizations tend to stay in their comfort zones and don’t ever really try to grow or innovate past their entrenched modes of behavior. That they continue to do things as they’ve always been done is the basis for the problems that continue to crop up year after year.

Why 45 was the right age to start brazilian jiu jitsu

One day, recently, while leading a writing workshop within an inpatient treatment facility, I heard myself say, “change isn’t easy, but taking the first step towards what you want to become will set you on your way.”  I was speaking… Continue Reading →

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