The image below is striking to me. I think it captures the balance between morning dew and a petal. The dew drop is just hanging out and the petal is hosting it, like it’s just supposed to be that way…. Continue Reading →
I’ve never bought into the idea that mental health is an “either/or” proposition. That is, someone isn’t either mentally healthy or not. I also don’t think that it’s realistic to suggest that mental health is a goal; to do so… Continue Reading →
cannabis is now for sale. Legally. No more calling the connect; we can all go to any licensed dispensary and buy what we want. I’m close to certain that the industry will be an economic boon for New Mexico. There… Continue Reading →
I’ve been around a lot of political environments and one thing I can say for sure: if karate were like politics, anyone could become a black belt simply by being buddies with the sansei. I don’t even think anyone would… Continue Reading →
I spend a lot of time dealing with technology related issues. I also spend a lot of time dealing with human related issues. With all the time I spend with both sets of issues, I can say that computer issues… Continue Reading →
I hate to say it, but evil in Santa Fe has gained a foothold. At the risk of sounding like a weirdo, I believe that evil expresses itself through various real ways. I didn’t always think in this cosmic way;… Continue Reading →
I know Thanksgiving is supposed to be the grateful holiday, but to me, Valentine’s day is the day through which I can express my deepest gratitude. There is no doubt that my wife is the blessing upon my life that… Continue Reading →
Lately, I’ve been having to remind myself that life, in general, isn’t about outcome. Really, it’s about “fighting the good fight” regardless of how that fight makes a person feel. For me, talking with people about Addiction and substance abuse… Continue Reading →
Watching paramedics take my wife away in an ambulance sucked. The only thing I could think was, “what if they aren’t paramedics but rather aliens?! What are they doing to her in there?” Just kidding. i was actually scared to… Continue Reading →
Cityhall meets another teen-involved south-side shooting with a symphony of crickets. I don’t really care, anymore, who sits in elected chairs anymore. They’re all the same. Money. Power. Extension of self. Those are the three guiding principles of our local… Continue Reading →
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