The place where Juan Blea writes about all that is good and strong and beautiful!

Tag nature photography

Me and a deer had a nice conversation the other day…

So, I met this deer the other day. It was pretty dang smart, too. See, what happened was, my wife, brother-in-law, and I were coming out of the Pecos Wilderness when my wife saw this deer munching some brush. My… Continue Reading →

If we don’t recognize beauty, our souls will starve

Building a healthy life isn’t just about working out or eating right.  While both are crucial, if we don’t recognize and share beauty, our souls will starve in darkness.  Once that happens, there isn’t a workout or diet plan that… Continue Reading →

Some pics from a day of self-care

Whenever I’m about to give a talk, I have this need to get to the mountains and take in the energy from the natural world.  Really, it’s self-care for me and I strongly recommend taking time to just experience the… Continue Reading →

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