The other day, I was trying to solve a problem at work and I became so frustrated that I launched my notebook straight into the ground. I was alone in my office and so no one saw me. However, had… Continue Reading →
Without any doubt, Northern New Mexico owns the worst reputation for drug-related issues, as Rio Arriba County owns the state’s highest drug related death rate. The data shows that we, as a community, MUST do something to try and get… Continue Reading →
Why the hell am I doing this? I’ve asked myself this question several times over the last few days and yesterday may have shed some light on my reasons. I sat down with a client and as we talked about… Continue Reading →
Without any doubt, Northern New Mexico owns the worst reputation for drug-related issues, as Rio Arriba County owns the state’s highest drug related death rate. Epidemiological data shows that we, as a community, MUST do something to try and get… Continue Reading →
The ghosts of our ancestors and the ghosts of lost land haunt the region and cast shadows that I believe we either do not sense or understand. Death lingers and taints the area’s present consciousness – we live painfully aware… Continue Reading →
We lose our culture, we turn into a rock. We lose our language, we die. Think about it: A rock is nothing more than a song that’s frozen. All the vibrations that once came together seize and harden and simply… Continue Reading →
I’ve given the first of two (2) presentations in support of the Santa Fe Community College’s Center for Diversity’s “Don’t Call me Crazy or Lazy” and i have to say, it went quite well. Tonight at 6PM, at the Higher… Continue Reading →
The simple truth is that there is something to my argument that an entire culture can become “traumatized” and then reflect PTSD symptoms. The drive for relief from the constant and seemingly nonexistent source of the anxiety that accompanies PTSD… Continue Reading →
To many in the Southwestern United States and Northern Mexico, the United State’s enactment of the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo was nothing more than a fancy smoke and mirrors tactic that allowed the U.S. to steal huge pieces of land… Continue Reading →
A quick perusal of the NM Department of Health Substance Abuse Epidemiological Profile for New Mexico, 2013 shows that NM: Has an alcohol-related death rate that’s 1.9 times higher than the national average Has the highest drug-overdose rate in the… Continue Reading →
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