The place where Juan Blea writes about all that is good and strong and beautiful!

Tag Pain

Addictions can be the result of simply feeling too much

I think it’s a true statement that a person with a deep and big heart will experience suffering.  I also think that those who do feel deeply can sometimes believe that there’s something wrong.  I’ve seen several people in early… Continue Reading →

Deciding isn't doing — 2CEUs

In classes I teach, one of my favorite ways to start is to tell the class about a frog sitting on a lily pad that decided to jump to another lily pad one day.  They look at me, usually, like… Continue Reading →

For a grieving father — 2CEUs

People shuffled around me as I attempted to offer condolences to a man whose committed suicide.  I didn’t know the man; he’s a friend of my wife’s and I had never met him before his son’s funeral.  But in his… Continue Reading →

Let's silence the Mother's Wail — 2CEUs

A fourteen year old girl died while attending a concert at which she was taking heavy doses of Ecstacy.  They coroner’s report indicated that her heart rate was more than double the normal rate.  I didn’t know the girl, nor… Continue Reading →

The best thing about addiction — 2CEUs

I’ve encountered all kinds of people who suffer from an addiction.  There are those kinds that that suffer with an undiagnosed and untreated illness for which they self-medicate (for example, someone who abuses cocaine may suffer from ADHD).  There are… Continue Reading →

pain ain't got nothin' on me — A POEM

for me pain don’t transfer a sense of life. nor a hint nor a whisper of a need for penance. to me, life’s hurts are little more than minor key variations on suffering’s simple melody… even a tortured man can… Continue Reading →

A Note to a Grieving Father

People shuffled around me as I attempted to offer condolences to a man whose committed suicide.  I didn’t know the man; he’s a friend of my wife’s and I had never met him before his son’s funeral.  But in his… Continue Reading →

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