The place where Juan Blea writes about all that is good and strong and beautiful!

Tag pastors

Wasted Lent? Then why bother with Easter services?

Every year, Lent starts on Ash Wednesday. It marks the start of a forty (40) day period in which we are called to reflect and pray, similarly to what Christ experienced during 40 days in the wilderness. Every year, we… Continue Reading →

Why not incorporate spirituality in treating SUDs?

A recent study found that cognitive behavioral therapy is more successful in treating Substance Use Disorders (SUDs) than spirituality-based programs (study can be found here). In the years I’ve been studying and treating SUDs; however, I’ve learned that when a… Continue Reading →

Spirituality should be a part of Addiction Treatment

Spirituality will lead to understanding that reality does not progress as a series of discreet moments that are separated from the flow of time.  Rather, moments occur as part of a continuous process in which the infinite is connected with… Continue Reading →

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