The place where Juan Blea writes about all that is good and strong and beautiful!

Tag Pilgrimage

Angels are real. just ask my niece

My niece and I were on my annual pilgrimage to the Santuario de Chimayo when I got us lost looking for the “shortcut” between Pojoaque and Chimayo. It’s not unusual for me to find myself looking around for anything familiar…. Continue Reading →

AI is no match for the Human Soul

And so, once again, I’ve completed my Holy Thursday tradition of walking to the Santuario de Chimayo. It takes me about seven hours to walk the 22 or so miles from my starting point to arrive at the mystical little… Continue Reading →

Why I make the pilgrimage to Santuario de Chimayo

Soon, I will begin my annual pilgrimage to the Santuario de Chimayo.  It’s an approximately 22 mile walk from Santa Fe and I’ve done it for several years, along with many people in Northern New Mexico.  It’s an act of… Continue Reading →

Who will we be when we die? 2CEUs

The scallop shell symbolizes, among other things, those pilgrims who walk the ancient Road to San Tiago in Spain.  There have been literally hundreds of books and movies devoted to pilgrims’ experiences on the Road, which is dedicated to St…. Continue Reading →

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