I stash myself in words and in borrowed thoughts. chunks of me cover blank pages that were once a redemptive smile on a broken man’s face. the corners of his mouth purse away my own tears his eyes are my… Continue Reading →
Most mornings, I look out of my hallway window and watch the sky turn bright rust. I’ve always loved the early morning sky-glow: All the words yet to write and ideas yet to learn and chords yet to build, form,… Continue Reading →
Days go by, drowned in memories – stories written in invisible ink. I want something cool to gravitate my way. Instead, I forget and get lost underneath the cross I carry. I don’t think it’s for me to carry… Continue Reading →
why do we not see a smile? instead we suffocate our selves in back alleys among urine-tinged cigarette butts decaying in blood-laced mud. a smile forms free and doesn’t hurt like piercing a weakened vein why do we not give… Continue Reading →
People tend to be afraid of the dark. They might run away from its shadows But I say: Fuck that – grab the dark and Wear it like a jacket. Let it form and fit Every nook and cranny of… Continue Reading →
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