What is the Imago Dei?Literally translated, the Imago Dei is the “Image of God.” This image is not Jesus’ face that miraculously appears on tortillas, it is, to me, the source of all that’s good and strong and beautiful that… Continue Reading →
I am no expert on prayer. But I believe in prayer’s power as much as I believe that the sky is blue and water’s wet. Further, I think that prayer can restore a person’s spiritual center and lead to a… Continue Reading →
Rustling rivers have always calmed me. I lose track of the realities I face within the rushing water’s song. A few weeks ago, I brought my sax with me to the river’s edge to practice. I played along with the… Continue Reading →
In these isolated days, I am certain that anxiety symptoms and trauma triggers are rising in frequency. Life presents enough challenges in “normal” times, but these are anything but normal times. Really, for all of us, our own minds are… Continue Reading →
And so, once again, I’ve completed my Holy Thursday tradition of walking to the Santuario de Chimayo. It takes me about seven hours to walk the 22 or so miles from my starting point to arrive at the mystical little… Continue Reading →
The other night, I was talking with someone about her struggles with anxiety. She was telling me that there are days that she can’t sit still for even a minute; her mind races and she has no control over her… Continue Reading →
Rahesh Balsekar teaches, “it is only when there is firm rooting in…the belief in the reality of the volition of the individual that the notion of karma arises.” What he means is that suffering emerges when a person is too… Continue Reading →
One of the biggest “trap” questions I’m asked is, “Can Addiction be cured?” Over the years, I’ve wavered because sometimes I think it can, but other times, I’m just not sure. However, while I understand that Addiction is an individualized… Continue Reading →
I’ve heard self-righteous sinners call depression a self-pity party. They congregate and pray and sing away their need to swim in gallons of jack Daniel’s: in words and in songs they congratulate themselves because in a blink of an eye… Continue Reading →
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