The place where Juan Blea writes about all that is good and strong and beautiful!


Thank you Dad.

It’s been a while now since my Dad left this world. Doesn’t feel like it, though. I still wait for his call, every day, until I remember that my caller Id will never again say, “Dad.” The memory of his… Continue Reading →

Really, it’s ok to feel bad these days

I have no idea when this crappy lockdown will end. That’s right, I think it’s crappy. It sucks to be away from normal life. It sucks to have to be isolated from people I love and it’s really crappy to… Continue Reading →

I have Anxiety — here’s what helps me…

In these isolated days, I am certain that anxiety symptoms and trauma triggers are rising in frequency. Life presents enough challenges in “normal” times, but these are anything but normal times. Really, for all of us, our own minds are… Continue Reading →

Vietnam War proves chaotic leadership keeps folks on their toes!

Vietnam War hero General Westmoreland told his troops about to deploy on what became known as “Hamburger Hill” that they would be on the hill for about ten hours. Once they took the hill, they were to await further orders…. Continue Reading →

We MUST account for trauma consciousness

Why the hell am I doing this? I’ve asked myself this question several times over the last few days and yesterday may have shed some light on my reasons. I sat down with a client and as we talked about… Continue Reading →

Location AND genetics determine if you develop alcoholism

There seems to be a common perception that there’s reason to argue about “nature vs. nurture.” There isn’t. Neither genetics nor environment play a bigger role in human development. The reality that modern research is presenting is that the argument… Continue Reading →

Don't call me crazy or lazy! PLEASE SHARE

I’ve given the first of two (2) presentations in support of the Santa Fe Community College’s Center for Diversity’s “Don’t Call me Crazy or Lazy” and i have to say, it went quite well. Tonight at 6PM, at the Higher… Continue Reading →

Historial Trauma, Addiction, and student success podcast PLEASE SHARE

Hello — this morning, Emily Stern,the Director of Santa Fe Community College’s Diversity and Integrative Center, and I were on the Richard Eeds show which is broadcast out of Santa Fe, NM. We discussed the symposium we are having at the Santa Fe… Continue Reading →

Really, the "heroin epidemic" is NOT Big Pharma's fault. It's all of ours.

Here’s the thing: There’s a mythology being propagated that suggests there’s a natural progression from pharmaceutical opioid addiction to heroin addiction. This mythology suggests that it’s Big Pharma’s fault that heroin addiction is “an epidemic.” But, and I say this… Continue Reading →

You're invited to a VERY important symposium! PLEASE SHARE!!

On April 5th, in partnership with the Santa Fe Community College’s Center for Diversity and Integrative Learning, I will be presenting on Historical Trauma and how it informs mental health and addiction in New Mexico. More importantly, I will discuss… Continue Reading →

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